Navigating The Sea Of Music

This week we cover the latest news coming out of the Japanese Music Industry while also tackling the latest songs coming out of Japan. Finally, Ken tells you why you should be listening to Lucky Tapes.

Starring: Ken, Luna, and Gray

Opening Spacey Love by KIRA

Imitating Success

This week Ken and Gray break down the big news coming out of AKB48 and discuss what possible future they may have and go over the top 10 songs on the Oricon.

Opening: Shin Takejimo by Sakanaction

Starring: Ken, and Gray

Imitation Johnny's

This week we talk about the big news of what is happening with Keyakizaka46 and the rest of the week's news. We also cover the top 10 songs on the Oricon this week and lastly Gray tells you why you should be checking out Chiai Fujikawa.

Opening: Shin Takejimo by Sakanaction

Starring: Gray, Ken, and Luna