Indie Corner Week 29: Lapintet

Lapintet is a four-member pop rock band formed in 2016. While for some bands having a lot going on in their songs could be seen as a weakness, Lapintet uses this as their strength to stand out from the rest. Believe it or not, vocalist Shihono’s powerful and melodic voice brings a calming, understanding tone to what’s happening throughout all of the chaos in their songs. This is very evident in their songs "0.03秒の盲信"(“0. 03-Byo no moshin”) and “Dramatic”

Currently Lapintet released two mini albums 111 (2017) and Movement (2018), with one single “おちゃらか” (“Ocharaka”) released in 2017.

Check out the Lapintet official site and Twitter, and be sure to check out their song “0. 03-Byo no moshin” below!