Ongaku To You

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Ken's Ongaku Go For January 2022

Springboarding into 2022, it’s that time of the month: January’s Ongaku Go! We at OTY would like our readers to know what was filling our ears the past month. Each track is available across all digital music streaming platforms, with Apple Music featured on this site.

“PAINT” by I Don’t Like Mondays.

I haven’t been keeping in touch with IDLM as much I have wanted to, so to my surprise I was really thrown aback when “PAINT” came out. The funny thing that I absolutely love about this work is how un-IDLM it is; it doesn’t really have a hook, so to speak, which they usually do. But I found myself going back to it throughout the month since it came out. Its earwormability either due to the fact that Yu’s vocals really don’t overextend the composition, or Choji’s guitar work throughout, “PAINT” became that nice rock tune I needed this month. 

Be sure to check out the music video for “PAINT” below, along with the song here!

“unitbath (Jazz Version)” by showmore

Honestly, this group is one the ones that I will always keep championing till their disbandment. This new mood they have adopted throughout 2021 and now 2022, of updating what it means to be a neo-jazz singer, has really captured me. Nothing really exemplifies this like their new Jazz Attitude series, and they came out swinging with Vol. 1 velvet, which was released in December. While I think the release as a whole is absolutely solid, “unitbath” really takes the cake. While it might be a tad on the long side, as a whole it absolutely works and cannot wait for the next volume of this new series.

Be sure to check out the track here!

“Good bye Claire” by Kaho Nakamura

Honestly, Kaho Nakamura was one of the surprises I found this month, and a vocalist who isn’t afraid of breaking the boundaries to explore something new. The electronica synth throughout this number is fresh and I absolutely love it; alongside Nakamura’s vocals, it just works. After listening to just this one slice of her discography I can’t wait to explore the rest of her work and do a deep dive eventually.

Be sure to check out the lyric video below, along with the track here!

“Life still goes on” by Awesome City Club

While people might have “Wasurena” hangover from Awesome City Club, I love the new direction they’ve gone and how they’ve stuck to their morals to not follow a same style or feeling as their previous hit. While I do think it’s not entirely rewriting anything about their style, “Life still goes on” still really flaunts how solid they are as a band. I can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for them and I hope they’ll have more solid releases just like this one.

Check out the lyric video for “Life still goes on” below, along with the song here!

“You Raise Me Up” by EXILE ATSUSHI

Originally sung by Josh Groban back in 2003, “You Raise Me Up” was again given a new spin, this time by EXILE ATSUSHI. With this work, ASTUSHI goes above and beyond what he’s typically been doing with his solo covers. It woulda been simple to just do an English cover of this, but, like with his previous covers, he translates it into Japanese and adds his own flare to make it his own. This is something I absolutely love. I honestly cannot wait for the full release of his solo best-of album which will drop later in the year. 

Be sure to check out the music video for “You Raise Me Up” below, along with the track here!

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